
So many historic neighborhoods are undergoing a mind blowing evolution - polarized by perceptions of inheritance-VS-seizure. The embrace of a community’s cultural gifts is what binds the roots of its people in celebration and motivation, rather than paralyzing dread. Geo’d is a celebration of individual and collective vitality: a whimsical interpretation of those unassuming rocks that, when opened, delight the viewer with complex cores of color bands or crystal lined cavities. The Geo’d core is a glass, kaleidoscopic offering of identities and thus, ideas. Its title is employed as both a passive condition and self-possessed action - claiming, or even rejecting conventional space and legacy.

The warm side, facing the evening is called Aggregate, a sedimentary arrangement that models the amalgam of life experiences and settling of accounts. The cool side facing the morning is more reflective, light bending Firmament. A celestial and radiant arrangement of nerves and cones like that of the human eye, and the sympathetic part of our inner selves that ignites our imagination and those moments and relationships that propel us into states of grace.

Geo’d is a stoic, deconstructed figure, with a gesture like that of a human, nerves exposed, facing both obsolescence and renewal. As a unifying veneer, I chose the reflective and familiar U-Haul Orange that summons the sense of urgency; real or perceived time limits, and the clarity that comes with discerning those things we can and cannot do without.

Public Art Experience
City of Houston
Art League Houston
Houston Arts Alliance

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Testimonial Invitation.

Cultured Pearls Creative
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