Blood Relations

Intentionally cartographic from a distance, Blood Relations uses biological imagery to address matters of propagation. The evolution of identity and ideas, and how we discover with terror or delight, just how firm our grasp is on either. This project was born from the bombardment of images and appeals regarding immigration laws that essentially made Texas the gateway to the Promised Land – or Land of Promises. Opinions cloaked as fact flew around the world at lightning speed while the truth was still tying its shoes. One found oneself on one side of a line drawn in the sand, so a wall became a prop in our diverse imaginations. The fragmented dime reads, "From one, many". The nuclei of the floating human cells are interpretations of the classic shoe polish cans from the defunct American brand in the old adage that questions fact, fiction and the wisdom to know the difference.

True North
Obstacle Art Exhibition
Heights Art Association

Collection of SPARK School Art Parks

Cultured Pearls Creative
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All Rights Reserved